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Syrian Social Gathering/Erläuterungen zu den Problemen

persönlich Foren hobos glocales Syrian Social Gathering/Erläuterungen zu den Problemen

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    • #3286

      Betreff: Fwd: Syrian Social Gathering/Erläuterungen zu den Problemen
      Von: “TillieKluthe@gmx.de” <TillieKluthe@gmx.de>
      An: Michael Ickes <michael_ickes@hotmail.com>

      ——– Weitergeleitete Nachricht ——–

      Hello Tillie,
      How are you?
      I hope that you are fine!

      Dear Tillie,

      Mr Mohammad told me to inform you about the misunderstanding between
      Syrian Social Gathering and İMC and İUM, and why they stopped their
      funding and supporting to Syrian Social Gathering? İ will tell you, how
      the problems started and developed!
      First, Mr. Ziad Mulla, when he was the chairman of the board, he was
      dealing with Syrian Social Gathering (S.S.G) staff by a hidden way,
      without any transparency, he hadnt told them about fundings , and he
      hadnt paid their salaries for a long time. So the administration
      committee at that time conducted a meeting and they decided to fire Ziad
      Mulla and Yasmin Halobi. Because of they didn’t pay the salaries for
      four month and the absence of team working, and information sharing with
      the administration committee members. At the same time administration
      committee members had known that there was a funding in S.S.G budget and
      Ziad Molla was getting money from banks on behalf of S.S.G and spending
      them for his own issues, so Administration committee asked Turkish
      government to verify S.S.G bank account, the verification report said
      that Ziad Mulla took 260 thousand Turkish Liras instead of S.S.G, and he
      didnt spend this money to cover S.S.G needs.
      But Ziad Mulla objected the verification report in Turkish court, and he
      gave all NGOs a bad vision about S.S.G that, he is innocent and the
      administration committe oppressed him.
      The second problem was with İMC, when Ziad Mulla incited one of
      employees to defame that, Amar Alsaman has been violence her to have a
      sexual relation with her. But this claim is not correct, and when
      Turkish government saw that the problems still going on even with Amar.
      They asked us to set a new administration committee by election, and
      when the new elected administration committee heard that there is an
      ethical problem with Amar, they asked him to give his resignation and
      leave the S.S.G.
      And when we started to contact with İMC, they asked us to fire Amar
      Alsaman and Yasamin Halobi and we informed them that we did that, but
      they didn’t believe us so far.

      Did you do your communications and researches about NGOs, and how we can
      get funding’s from them?
      İs there anything new about funding from your side?
      İf yes? What is the result?

      With my best wishes

      Edip FADLi
      Syrian Social Gathering (LiaisonOfficer)

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