die Verteidigung der Roten Insel


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    • #3367

      “…the Mezitli Mayors office”, that is in the first instance…

      Best, Mi

      von M’ick’s Mobil gesendet

      Mick’s Mobil <michael_ickes@hotmail.com> schrieb:

      >Dear Tillie,
      >thank you for the contact with SSG. As a token of appreciation I would like to draw up a formal report for them but don’t have the capacities right now.
      >Still, I believe with the “Grosse Anfrage” and the submission, I could imagine that they would get some requests in the next week. That’s why I was hoping that you would rely this message and the most important recommendations to them:
      >Open your books! Show everybody who needs to know – or better: Within the limits of personal data protection, make public, post on your website…
      >* what you received when from who (to do what) and
      >* what you expended when to who (what for)
      >* show what is missing
      >Don’t put so much effort into explaining the circumstances. Let the books and the facts speak for themselves!
      >If you need help, request it from the Mayors office who may invite the Tempelhof-Schöneberg treasurer to take a look.
      >Best regards,
      >Michael Ickes
      >von M’ick’s Mobil gesendet

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