die Verteidigung der Roten Insel


———— Original Message ————

Subject: Session VorschlagDate: Thu, 01 Dec 2011 13:20:13 +0100From: Michael Ickes <michael_ickes@hotmail.com>To: spackeria@googlegroups.com

Title: Personal Security in the Programmes of the Pirate Parties

Abstract: Personality is just as heavily debated within the Pirate 
Parties as Security. The latter revolves around military, economic, 
human, civil and personal security. What does the former? - Programmes 
is just as a misunderstood term within the Pirate Parties. As nerds, 
they think about it as iterative algorithms instead of evolving 
patterns. - We want to develop a theoretical framework for thinking 
about personal security among pirate parties and post-pirates.

LG, Mi

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